NaNo Day 11 — Project Life: NPC Dialogue Optimisation

1 min readNov 11, 2020

I felt quite pushed for time today; fitted in some time for Game Design after a workday kinda sucks. I’ve also been sat in the same room all day so it’s getting a bit much.

Nevertheless, I did do some stuff and that was tweaking the NPC dialogue that wasn’t working yesterday. It now is to a certain extent and is now a case of tweaking to get it to work the way I want it to.

Day 11 Progress Video

The current issue is that it doesn’t like initiating dialogue with an if statement. Once I figure out a workaround, I can then figured out if the rest of the logic; whether the player has had a positive or negative impact of the NPC friendship level is working or not.

On the bright side, I am still enjoying the process of Games Design; I thought I’d be sick of it by now. I am doubting whether GDevelop is the best tool for the game I’m trying to make. It does seem capable, but I am getting framerate spikes already (due to the light mostly) and its bearly a scene let alone a game. It begs the question of whether or not its worth “shopping around” for a different Game Engine.

