NaNo Day 19 — Project Life: Quest System… and my confusion implementing it

2 min readNov 19, 2020

Really struggling today… I can’t seem to focus on anything and when I do it’s just confusing me. I think writing it all out will help so…

I’m trying to wrap my head around quest systems (in GDevelop). Essentially, (and this can be said to my whole approach to games design so far), I’m trying to break down what I need to accomplish.

In order to have a quest system, I need something to store my quests in. If I was writing Javascript, I’d create an Array, or an Object and I’d set up some names and ID for each quest available to the player. Unfortunately, as far as I’m aware, there is no form of Array in GDevelop.

So, following that logic, and working with what GDevelop does have, I’ve created a couple of global variables (_activeQuest & _questID). Next, I created a questLogItem Text Object and within this, I’ve added a few Object Variables (_questName, _questID and _questGiver).

Now, logically I can craft some form of event or function in order to populate these objects and variables in order to track and manage the player's quest. Unfortunately, I have the Game Developers equivalent to Writer’s Block. I’m staring at the GDevelop function pages and nothing is coming to me.

I need to research more about Extension as I think this is how I’ll need to build it. I’ll also check some youtube tutorials on other Game engines and how the logic is handle in there (unfortunately, I’ve not had much luck finding any such tutorials in GDevelop). But for now, I need a break…

